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Not only am I a minister and the Chief Executive of Mission Africa but I am a world renowned couch potato. My hobbies do not include anything related to physical activity. Maybe to some this is old news, so I am stepping out of my comfort zone and off my sofa in an effort to complete a couch to 5K.  Yes you heard right, the suit will be hung up and the running gear put on and I am aiming to be Parkrun ready in a number of weeks time. You can follow my progress on Mission Africa Facebook and Instagram page and also my own personal Instagram page.

Why would I do this you ask? Without mentioning a little bit of coercion and mild persuasion from a couple of concerned friends and the epic shock factor to anyone who knows me, my purpose is twofold; 

Firstly, with all this fitness talk, I realised I needed to do start something in order to improve my general health. 

Secondly and most importantly as Chief Executive of Mission Africa I see first hand the many needs in Africa. 

The needs in Africa are ever changing and developing and the work of Mission Africa has grown and evolved to meet these needs, while always keeping the message of the Gospel at the core of what we do. Issues such as the rapid spread of HIV, the growing number of orphans and vulnerable children living on the streets and the rise in trafficking, forced prostitution and violence against women are being tackled by projects that Mission Africa is involved with.

Maybe you can encourage me in my running journey by helping me reach my goal of £5000 for 5K, or maybe you will join me as I complete a Parkrun to end my Couch to 5K. (Details to be announced). Register your interest and send me lots of encouragement...this is not going to be easy.


Paul Bailie

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