Sponsoring orphans and vulnerable children gives the Church the chance to make a huge and often life-changing difference in the life a child. The Mission Africa Child Sponsorship Programme seeks to offer sustainable support and assistance to children in communities where we work across Africa. Many of the children have lost their childhood to the realities of HIV/AIDS and other socio-cultural and economic factors. Some of the children are themselves infected with HIV, some have lost one or both parents to AIDS related illnesses and yet others are caring for an ailing parent or heading households.

We hope that the Mission Africa Child Sponsorship Programme will be an avenue for restoring childhood back to these young lives.

The programme is a ministry package that provides the opportunity for orphans and vulnerable children to know Christ, experience the blessing of family and acquire the skills necessary for productive, independent life. A child who feels abandoned is given special attention from a sponsor who truly cares.

We envisage supporters of the Mission Africa Child Sponsorship Programme to be caring individuals or groups, who commit support (daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly or otherwise) and provide ongoing encouragement to an orphan for the duration of his or her time on the programme. This can be done through prayer and letter writing.

The Mission Africa Child Sponsorship programme covers five categories of support: spiritual, emotional, environmental, educational and medical. However, a significant part of our programme will be educational support.

It is our belief that education is a fundamental right for children and that through basic education a community can begin to develop and its people can be empowered to improve their quality of life. With an education a child can not only be an asset to themselves, their families and their communities but to the country of Nigeria itself.The cost to sponsor an orphan or vulnerable child through the programme will be £15 per month or £180 per year.

The sponsorship programme covers four major categories: direct assistance (includes food, medical, clothing), educational support (school fees, uniforms and books), training/discipleship (includes vocational, lifeskills, holiday clubs/camps)and quarterly home visitation for continuous assessment and support.

To find out more about how to get involved with this scheme, please contact us using the form below, or by phoning 02890 402850.